Helping by donations

Himalayan Care Hands is an non-governmental, non-for profit organization, meaning that we make every effort to ensure that the required donations are for the full 100% spent on the project objectives. HCH team members are not salaried, with no overhead costs, without own interests, but offering care hands to whom need ours and yours help.

Through safe online PayPal:

If you are interested to aid one or more of our projects, here are our bank details. All donations are welcome, small or big(ger). A caring hand cannot be without small and bigger fingers.


A/C Number 01601030028440
Swift code: NIBLNPKT
Name of Bank: Nepal Investment Bank Ltd.
Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal.

All donations will be registered in annual public reports, assuring transparent procedures. All donors receive written confirmations on how their donations are spent in the projects. If you want to donate to a specific project, please tell us!

Helping by donations

Himalayan Care Hands is an non-governmental, non-for profit organization, meaning that we make every effort to ensure that the required donations are for the full 100% spent on the project objectives. HCH team members are not salaried, with no overhead costs, without own interests, but offering care hands to whom need ours and yours help.

Through safe online PayPal:

If you are interested to aid one or more of our projects, here are our bank details. All donations are welcome, small or big(ger). A caring hand cannot be without small and bigger fingers.


A/C Number 01601030028440
Swift code: NIBLNPKT
Name of Bank: Nepal Investment Bank Ltd.
Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal.

All donations will be registered in annual public reports, assuring transparent procedures. All donors receive written confirmations on how their donations are spent in the projects. If you want to donate to a specific project, please tell us!